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Bridging Collaborative Filtering and Semi-Supervised Learning: A Neural Approach for POI Recommendation

Published: 04 August 2017 Publication History


Recommender system is one of the most popular data mining topics that keep drawing extensive attention from both academia and industry. Among them, POI (point of interest) recommendation is extremely practical but challenging: it greatly benefits both users and businesses in real-world life, but it is hard due to data scarcity and various context. While a number of algorithms attempt to tackle the problem w.r.t. specific data and problem settings, they often fail when the scenarios change. In this work, we propose to devise a general and principled SSL (semi-supervised learning) framework, to alleviate data scarcity via smoothing among neighboring users and POIs, and treat various context by regularizing user preference based on context graphs. To enable such a framework, we develop PACE (Preference And Context Embedding), a deep neural architecture that jointly learns the embeddings of users and POIs to predict both user preference over POIs and various context associated with users and POIs. We show that PACE successfully bridges CF (collaborative filtering) and SSL by generalizing the de facto methods matrix factorization of CF and graph Laplacian regularization of SSL. Extensive experiments on two real location-based social network datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of PACE.


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                                  KDD '17: Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
                                  August 2017
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                                  Published: 04 August 2017


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                                  1. collaborative filtering
                                  2. neural networks
                                  3. recommender systems
                                  4. semi-supervised learning


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                                  • U.S. Army Research Lab


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