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Power-positive networking using wireless charging: protecting energy against battery exhaustion attacks

Published: 18 July 2017 Publication History


Energy is required for networking and computation and is a valuable resource for unplugged embedded systems. Energy DoS attack where a remote attacker exhausts the victim's battery by sending networking requests remains a critical challenge for the device availability. While prior literature proposes mitigation- and detection-based solutions, we propose to eliminate the vulnerability entirely by offloading the power requirements to the entity who makes the networking requests. To do so, we build communication channels using wireless charging signals, so that the communication and the power transfer are simultaneous and inseparable, and use the channels to build power-positive networking (PPN). PPN also offloads the computation-based costs to the requester, enabling authentication and other tasks considered too power-hungry for battery-operated devices. Furthermore, because we use the charging signal for bidirectional networking, the design requires no additional hardware beyond that for wireless charging. In this paper, we present PPN, implement a Qi-compatible prototype, and use the prototype to analyze the performance.


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  1. Power-positive networking using wireless charging: protecting energy against battery exhaustion attacks



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      WiSec '17: Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks
      July 2017
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