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Neural Network Based Wavelength Assignment in Optical Switching

Published: 07 August 2017 Publication History


Greater network flexibility through software defined networking and the growth of high bandwidth services are motivating faster service provisioning and capacity management in the optical layer. These functionalities require increased capacity along with rapid reconfiguration of network resources. Recent advances in optical hardware can enable a dramatic reduction in wavelength provisioning times in optical circuit switched networks. To support such operations, it is imperative to reconfigure the network without causing a drop in service quality to existing users. Therefore, we present a system that uses neural networks to predict the dynamic response of an optically circuit-switched 90-channel multi-hop Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer (ROADM) network. The neural network is able to recommend wavelength assignments that contain the power excursion to less than 0.5 dB with a precision of over 99%.

Supplementary Material

WEBM File (neuralnetworkbasedwavelengthassignmentinopticalswitching.webm)


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cover image ACM Conferences
Big-DAMA '17: Proceedings of the Workshop on Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Data Communication Networks
August 2017
58 pages
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Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 07 August 2017


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  1. Neural Network
  2. Optical Network
  3. Switching


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited

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SIGCOMM '17: ACM SIGCOMM 2017 Conference
August 21, 2017
CA, Los Angeles, USA

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Overall Acceptance Rate 7 of 11 submissions, 64%


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