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An Evaluation of Role Based Access Control Towards Easier Management Compared to Tight Security

Published: 19 July 2017 Publication History


Role-based access control (RBAC) is a widely-used protocol to design and build an access control for providing the system security regarding authorization. Even though in the context of internet resources access, the authentication and access control are providing critical functionalities. In practice, the RBAC model has three perspectives such as Access Control, End User, and Administrator. An access control model must be built while giving highest priority to Access Control dimension. It means that the system must be secure regarding authorization. Thus, the system may be less useful for end-users and administrators. In this paper, we categorize that the basic motivation behind RBAC model is the easiest administration compared to tight authorization that becomes the reason for the evolution of RBAC model. Tight authorization creates many problems to make a system secure regarding authorization. Therefore, the true dimensions of RBAC model are identified in this study to change the mindset of researchers that RBAC is evolved for easier administration instead of tight access control. We propose a solution to incorporate the concept of roles for relaxed administration along with the permission-based access control. Moreover, we conclude that the dynamic separation of duty (DSD) should be implemented by permissions instead of roles in RBAC model.


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  1. An Evaluation of Role Based Access Control Towards Easier Management Compared to Tight Security



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    ICFNDS '17: Proceedings of the International Conference on Future Networks and Distributed Systems
    July 2017
    325 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 19 July 2017


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    Author Tags

    1. Access control
    2. Authentication
    3. Discretionary Access Control
    4. Dynamic separation of duty
    5. RBAC model
    6. Security


    • Research-article
    • Research
    • Refereed limited


    ICFNDS '17


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    • (2020)Fundamental Issues of Future Internet of Things2020 International Conference on Engineering and Emerging Technologies (ICEET)10.1109/ICEET48479.2020.9048199(1-6)Online publication date: Feb-2020
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