Formal Analysis of Object-Oriented Mograms
Article No.: 2, Pages 1 - 6
A mogram designates a software language implemented in either a programming or a modelling language. Object-Oriented mograms share many common language features, but also have specificities related to inheritance, collection values, opposite and contained references, or overloading. We propose a mathematical framework that captures the semantics of such mograms with a precise characterisation of the variation points. We implemented a prototype tool that enables formal analysis in a uniform way.
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Index Terms
- Formal Analysis of Object-Oriented Mograms
What Is Object-Oriented Programming?
The meaning of the term 'object oriented' is examined in the context of the general-purpose programming language C++. This choice is made partly to introduce C++ and partly because C++ is one of the few languages that supports data abstraction, object-...
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June 2017
49 pages
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- SIGPLAN: ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages
- AITO: Assoc Internationale por les Technologies Objects
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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Published: 18 June 2017
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