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10.1145/3106426.3106458acmconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PageswiConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Robust spread of cooperation by expectation-of-cooperation strategy with simple labeling method

Published: 23 August 2017 Publication History


This paper proposes an interaction strategy called the extended expectation-of-cooperation (EEoC) that is intended to spread cooperative activities in prisoner's dilemma situations over an entire agent network. Recently developed computer and communications applications run on the network and interact with each other as delegates of the owners, so they often encounter social dilemma situations. To improve social efficiency, they are required to cooperate, but one-sided cooperation is meaningless and loses some payoff due to a rip-off by defecting agents. The concept of EEoC is that when agents encounter mutual cooperation, they continue to cooperate a few times with the desire to see the emergence of cooperative behavior in their neighbors. EEoC is easy to implement in computer systems. We experimentally show that EEoC can effectively spread cooperative activities in dilemma situations in complete, Erdös-Rényi, and regular networks. We also clarify the robustness against defecting agents and the limitation of the EEoC strategy.


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Cited By

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  • (2023)Cooperation: A Systematic Review of how to Enable Agent to Circumvent the Prisoner’s DilemmaSHS Web of Conferences10.1051/shsconf/202317803005178(03005)Online publication date: 23-Oct-2023
  • (2017)Promotion of Robust Cooperation Among Agents in Complex Networks by Enhanced Expectation-of-Cooperation StrategyComplex Networks & Their Applications VI10.1007/978-3-319-72150-7_66(815-828)Online publication date: 27-Nov-2017

Index Terms

  1. Robust spread of cooperation by expectation-of-cooperation strategy with simple labeling method



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      WI '17: Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence
      August 2017
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

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      Published: 23 August 2017


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      1. agent network
      2. cooperation
      3. prisoner's dilemma
      4. reinforcement learning


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      • (2023)Cooperation: A Systematic Review of how to Enable Agent to Circumvent the Prisoner’s DilemmaSHS Web of Conferences10.1051/shsconf/202317803005178(03005)Online publication date: 23-Oct-2023
      • (2017)Promotion of Robust Cooperation Among Agents in Complex Networks by Enhanced Expectation-of-Cooperation StrategyComplex Networks & Their Applications VI10.1007/978-3-319-72150-7_66(815-828)Online publication date: 27-Nov-2017

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