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RIO: A Pervasive RFID-based Touch Gesture Interface

Published: 04 October 2017 Publication History


In this paper, we design and develop RIO, a novel battery-free touch sensing user interface (UI) primitive for future IoT and smart spaces. RIO enables UIs to be constructed using off-the-shelf RFID readers and tags, and provides a unique approach to designing smart IoT spaces. With RIO, any surface can be turned into a touch-aware surface by simply attaching RFID tags to them. RIO also supports custom-designed RFID tags, and thus allows specially customized UIs to be easily deployed into a real-world environment. RIO is built using the technique of impedance tracking: when a human finger touches the surface of an RFID tag, the impedance of the antenna changes. This change manifests as a change in the phase of the RFID backscattered signal, and is used by RIO to track fine-grained touch movement over both off-the shelf and custom built tags. We study this impedance behavior in-depth and show how RIO is a reliable UI primitive that is robust even within a multi-tag environment. We leverage this primitive to build a prototype of RIO that can continuously locate a finger during a swipe movement to within 3 mm of its actual position. We also show how custom-design RFID tags can be built and used with RIO, and provide two example applications that demonstrate its real-world use.


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MobiCom '17: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking
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Published: 04 October 2017


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  1. RFID
  2. impedance tracking
  3. mutual coupling
  4. touch interface


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