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Audio-Visual Biometric Authentication for Secured Access into Personal Devices

Published: 22 June 2017 Publication History


The security of data is becoming a challenge, as newer smarter devices with increasingly more memory are appearing in the market. Currently, most of the user data remains on personal devices, when the user is either mobile or at workplace. The username and password are turning out to be old-fashioned techniques for secured access. In this work, a multimodal biometric authentication technique is propose to boost access security of such devices. Face recognition, speaker identification along with uttered word are fused together to determine authentication score before access to devices is granted. Experimental results show that as the number of biometric modes is increased, greater trust and satisfaction is experienced by the user.


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    ICBBS '17: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Science
    June 2017
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    • Natl University of Singapore: National University of Singapore


    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 22 June 2017


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    1. Authentication
    2. Biometric
    3. Machine Intelligence
    4. Multimodal Authentication
    5. Secured Access
    6. Security


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