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View all- Patt MSolanki JGeorrge J(undefined)In Silico Analysis of Hypothetical Proteins of Haemophilus Influenzae PittGG StrainSSRN Electronic Journal10.2139/ssrn.3574587
Showing computational workflow of adopted pipeline used for annotating function of HPs.Display Omitted Genome sequence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae was extensively analyzed.Functions of 83HPs were successfully predicted with high accuracy.We found 23 ...
Protein function prediction is a crucial task in the post-genomics era due to their diverse irreplaceable roles in a biological system. Traditional methods involved cost-intensive and time-consuming molecular biology techniques but they proved to ...
The current need for high-throughput protein interaction detection has resulted in interaction data being generated en masse, using experimental methods such as yeast-two-hybrids and protein chips. Such data can be errorful and they often do not provide ...
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