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A Delicious Recipe Analysis Framework for Exploring Multi-Modal Recipes with Various Attributes

Published: 19 October 2017 Publication History


Human beings have developed a diverse food culture. Many factors like ingredients, visual appearance, courses (e.g., breakfast and lunch), flavor and geographical regions affect our food perception and choice. In this work, we focus on multi-dimensional food analysis based on these food factors to benefit various applications like summary and recommendation. For that solution, we propose a delicious recipe analysis framework to incorporate various types of continuous and discrete attribute features and multi-modal information from recipes. First, we develop a Multi-Attribute Theme Modeling (MATM) method, which can incorporate arbitrary types of attribute features to jointly model them and the textual content. We then utilize a multi-modal embedding method to build the correlation between the learned textual theme features from MATM and visual features from the deep learning network. By learning attribute-theme relations and multi-modal correlation, we are able to fulfill different applications, including (1) flavor analysis and comparison for better understanding the flavor patterns from different dimensions, such as the region and course, (2) region-oriented multi-dimensional food summary with both multi-modal and multi-attribute information and (3) multi-attribute oriented recipe recommendation. Furthermore, our proposed framework is flexible and enables easy incorporation of arbitrary types of attributes and modalities. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation results have validated the effectiveness of the proposed method and framework on the collected Yummly dataset.


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  1. A Delicious Recipe Analysis Framework for Exploring Multi-Modal Recipes with Various Attributes



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      cover image ACM Conferences
      MM '17: Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia
      October 2017
      2028 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

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      Published: 19 October 2017


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      Author Tags

      1. flavor analysis
      2. food summary
      3. multi-attribute theme modeling
      4. multi-dimensional food analysis
      5. recipe recommendation


      • Research-article

      Funding Sources

      • National Natural Science Foundation of China
      • Beijing Natural Science Foundation
      • the Lenovo Outstanding Young Scientists Program
      • China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
      • Beijing Municipal Commission of Science and Technology
      • National Program for Special Support of Eminent Professionals and National Program for Support of Top-notch Young Professionals


      MM '17
      MM '17: ACM Multimedia Conference
      October 23 - 27, 2017
      California, Mountain View, USA

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