Cited By
View all- Liu WRan WNantogma SXu Y(2021)Adaptive Information Sharing with Ontological Relevance Computation for Decentralized Self-Organization SystemsEntropy10.3390/e2303034223:3(342)Online publication date: 14-Mar-2021
Because of the rapid growth in the scale and complexity of information networks, self-organizing systems are increasingly being used to realize novel network control systems that are highly scalable, adaptable, and robust. However, the uncertainty of ...
Self-organization has potential for high scalability, adaptability, flexibility, and robustness, which are vital features for realizing future networks. Convergence of self-organizing control, however, is slow in some practical applications compared to ...
Topology control protocol aims to efficiently adjust the network topology of wireless networks in a self-adaptive fashion to improve the performance and scalability of networks. This is especially essential to large-scale multihop wireless networks (...
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