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RIIT '17: Proceedings of the 6th Annual Conference on Research in Information Technology
ACM2017 Proceeding
  • Association for Computing Machinery
  • New York
  • NY
  • United States
SIGITE/RIIT 2017: The 18th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education and the 6th Annual Conference on Research in Information Technology Rochester New York USA October 4 - 7, 2017
04 October 2017
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It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 18th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education (SIGITE 2017) and the 6th Annual Conference on Research in Information Technology (RIIT 2017). The theme this year is "Enabling the Future", with a focus on the need for preparing Information Technology students for a future that includes defining the Internet of Things (IoT). Rochester is a fitting place for this theme, as it has long been a city that has leveraged the technological innovations of the day. The Erie Canal allowed Rochester millers to ship their flour across the state to Albany (earning it the nickname, "Flour City"), and flexible photographic film allowed George Eastman to grow his Kodak empire. The canal, and the flexible film are enablers, but with the Internet of Things, ubiquitous computing, and smart communities; information technology is the enabler.

This year, 90 reviewers conducted a total of 384 reviews of 94 submissions of papers, panels, posters, lightning talks, and workshops. For RIIT, 6 of 11 papers were accepted for a 54% acceptance rate; for SIGITE, 23 of 58 papers were accepted for a 39% acceptance rate. A great deal of thanks goes to both the reviewers and, of course, the authors for their excellent work. Not surprisingly, both RIIT and SIGITE papers have a preponderance of topics such as IoT, ubiquitous computing, and dealing with interconnectivity. While many of the papers relate to this year's theme, you will also find papers on curriculum development, capstone ideas, and innovative lab and classroom approaches among a variety of other IT education topics.

SIGITE/RIIT 2017 runs from Thursday to Saturday and is preceded by the annual Chairs and Program Directors Meeting, and vendor workshops on Thursday morning. The formal program begins on Thursday at noon. The program offers a combination of papers, and lightning talks on research in progress, and concludes with a dinner reception for networking with colleagues old and new. Friday features additional paper sessions and lightning talks for SIGITE and RIIT, a poster session in the afternoon, and concludes with a reception for Community College educators. Those not attending the community college reception can find dinner at one of the many nearby restaurants. On Saturday morning, the conference continues with additional papers and an author-submitted workshop. The conference concludes Saturday at 11a.m. Rochester, friends, and lots of opportunities to share-all the necessary ingredients for a great experience. We hope to see you at SIGITE/RIIT 2017 where we can not only discuss "Enabling Our Future", but we can also build new alliances for the future. Thank you!

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SESSION: 1: Paper Session
Identifying Grey Sheep Users By The Distribution of User Similarities In Collaborative Filtering

Recommender Systems have been successfully applied to alleviate the information overload problem and assist the process of decision making. Collaborative filtering, as one of the most popular recommendation algorithms, has been fully explored and ...

The Extension and Implementation of the Autonomous Movement Framework

The internet changes the way we do business, with companies like Amazon, Uber, and Google reshaping the way commerce is done delivering packages. Companies, such as Nokia, are demonstrating drone fleets being used for public safety over large scale ...

Usability of "Fatchum": A Mobile Application Recipe Recommender System

This study1 determined the factors that influenced the usability of "Fatchum" - a mobile application Filipino recipe recommender system. Toward this goal, two sets of data were gathered to determine the usability of the mobile app. The first set of data ...

SESSION: 2: Paper Session
Indexing Architecture for File Extraction from Network Traffic

As crimes, along with nearly every aspect of life, continue to transit into cyberspace, network traffic becomes an increasingly important source of evidence for forensic investigators. Network forensics is most commonly used in analyzing network traffic,...

Information Privacy of Cyber Transportation System: Opportunities and Challenges

The Cyber Transport Systems (CTSs) have made significant advancement along with the development of the information technology and transportation industries worldwide. The rapid proliferation of cyber transportation technology provides rich information ...

Best Paper
Best Paper
Monitoring Multicopters Energy Consumption

Multicopters are small, typically unmanned helicopters having more than two rotors. The wide range of possible applications of multicopters, spanning from environmental research to recreation, has raised the need to come up with innovative solutions to ...

POSTER SESSION: Poster Session
Climate Change: Relationships to CO2 Emission and Locations

The global climate change has been one of the serious problems in the 21st century. In this paper, we analyze the correlations or patterns associated with the global temperature data, carbon-dioxide emission and the location information based on the ...

Internet of Things BLE Security

Bluetooth Low Energy device is increasing in popularity due to its lower energy consumption and reliable connectivity compared to the classic Bluetooth. Some of these BLE devices collects and transmits health care data like the heart rate as in a Fitbit ...

  • Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Rochester Institute of Technology


Acceptance Rates

RIIT '17 Paper Acceptance Rate 6 of 11 submissions, 55%;
Overall Acceptance Rate 51 of 116 submissions, 44%
RIIT '1711655%
RIIT '1620945%
RIIT '15221045%
RIIT '14391436%
RIIT '13241250%