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An Experimental Comparison Between Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization in Spark Performance Tuning
The most popular in-memory computing framework --- Spark --- has a number of performance-critical configuration parameters. Manually tuning these parameters for optimized performance is not practical because the parameter tuning space is huge. Searching ...
Distributed SAR Image Change Detection with OpenCL-Enabled Spark
Distributed processing framework has been widely used in remote-sensing field. Spark, as a popular distributed computing framework, has been utilized to deal with big remote sensing data. However, it is inefficient due to that the application is not ...
A Study of FPGA Virtualization and Accelerator Scheduling
Deploying field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) on the cloud to accelerate the processing of the explosively growing server workloads is becoming a clear trend today. However, the costs reduction of accelerator design and deployment is still difficult ...
DoCE: Direct Extension of On-Chip Interconnects over Converged Ethernet for Rack-Scale Memory Sharing
Novel rack-level interconnects are urgently required to support frequent inter-server communications in emerging large-scale distributed in-memory applications. In this paper, we introduce DoCE, a memory semantic fabric via Direct extension of on-chip ...
Slow or Down?: Seem to Be the Same for Cloud Users
Recent years have seen the rapidly growing cloud computing market. A massive enterprise applications, like social networking, e-commerce, video streaming, email, web search, mapreduce, spark, are moving to cloud systems. These applications often require ...
Anomaly Detection in Clouds: Challenges and Practice
Cloud computing is an important infrastructure for many enterprises. After 10 years of development, cloud computing has achieved a great success, and has greatly changed the economy, society, science and industries. In particular, with the rapid ...
Rethinking the SDN Abstraction
Software Defined Networking (SDN) greatly simplifies network management and introduces unprecedented flexibility by decoupling control functions from the network data plane. However, such a decoupling also opens a box of various open questions, which ...
TCS: FaaS (FPGA as a service)
This presentation firstly points out the dilemma of traditional FPGA industry, then points out that the flexible and easy-to-use cloud services is a feasible way to solve the difficulties of FPGA. Tencent's architecture try to solve the puzzle of FPGA ...
Customized Architecture Technology for High Performance Computing
Customized Architecture is one of the technical road for exascale high performance computing. We will give an overview about FPGA customized architecture. Research experiences on deep learning algorithms accelerators for data analyzing, footprint and ...
Building the Reconfigurable Cloud Ecosystem
Microsoft has clearly made the case for using FPGAs at scale in the cloud and Intel is committed to leveraging the benefits of hardware acceleration with their acquisition of Altera. However, we still cannot use FPGAs with the same ease we have with ...
Programming FPGAs Using OpenCL from Performance Model to Application Study
Recent adoption of OpenCL programming model by FPGA vendors has realized the function portability of OpenCL workloads on FPGA. However, the poor performance portability prevents its wide adoption. To harness the power of FPGAs using OpenCL programming ...
Hardware-Accelerated Cryptography for Software-Defined Networks with P4
Innovative Security Solutions for Information Technology and CommunicationsAbstractThe paper presents a hardware-accelerated cryptographic solution for Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based network cards that provide throughput up to 200 Gpbs. Our solution employs a Software-Defined Network (SDN) concept based on the high-...