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Designing Interactions for 3D Printed Models with Blind People

Published: 19 October 2017 Publication History


Three-dimensional printed models have the potential to serve as powerful accessibility tools for blind people. Recently, researchers have developed methods to further enhance 3D prints by making them interactive: when a user touches a certain area in the model, the model speaks a description of the area. However, these interactive models were limited in terms of their functionalities and interaction techniques. We conducted a two-section study with 12 legally blind participants to fill in the gap between existing interactive model technologies and end users' needs, and explore design opportunities. In the first section of the study, we observed participants' behavior as they explored and identified models and their components. In the second section, we elicited user-defined input techniques that would trigger various functions from an interactive model. We identified five exploration activities (e.g., comparing tactile elements), four hand postures (e.g., using one hand to hold a model in the air), and eight gestures (e.g., using index finger to strike on a model) from the participants' exploration processes and aggregate their elicited input techniques. We derived key insights from our findings including: (1) design implications for I3M technologies, and (2) specific designs for interactions and functionalities for I3Ms.


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    ASSETS '17: Proceedings of the 19th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
    October 2017
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    Published: 19 October 2017


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    1. elicitation
    2. exploration behaviors
    3. interactive 3d printed models
    4. visually impairments


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