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Multimodal gender detection

Published: 03 November 2017 Publication History


Automatic gender classification is receiving increasing attention in the computer interaction community as the need for personalized, reliable, and ethical systems arises. To date, most gender classification systems have been evaluated on textual and audiovisual sources. This work explores the possibility of enhancing such systems with physiological cues obtained from thermography and physiological sensor readings. Using a multimodal dataset consisting of audiovisual, thermal, and physiological recordings of males and females, we extract features from five different modalities, namely acoustic, linguistic, visual, thermal, and physiological. We then conduct a set of experiments where we explore the gender prediction task using single and combined modalities. Experimental results suggest that physiological and thermal information can be used to recognize gender at reasonable accuracy levels, which are comparable to the accuracy of current gender prediction systems. Furthermore, we show that the use of non-contact physiological measurements, such as thermography readings, can enhance current systems that are based on audio or visual input. This can be particularly useful for scenarios where non-contact approaches are preferred, i.e., when data is captured under noisy audiovisual conditions or when video or speech data are not available due to ethical considerations.


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    ICMI '17: Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction
    November 2017
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    Published: 03 November 2017


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    1. gender detection
    2. linguistic
    3. multimodal
    4. physiological
    5. thermal
    6. visual
    7. vocal


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