Cited By
View all- Khaghani FJazizadeh F(2020)mD-Resilience: A Multi-Dimensional Approach for Resilience-Based Performance Assessment in Urban TransportationSustainability10.3390/su1212487912:12(4879)Online publication date: 15-Jun-2020
In this study, moving towards enabling the development of a platform for dynamic performance assessment of roadway networks, we have proposed to leverage coarse GPS data from probe vehicles such as taxis to quantify the resilience of road network using ...
This work investigates levels of service in urban transportation coupling a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with the multi-agent traffic simulator MATSim. The evolutionary algorithm searches combinations of number of private/public transportation ...
Taxis play an important role in urban transportation system. Efficient taxi cruising strategies are helpful to alleviate urban traffic congestions, reduce pollution emission, attenuate greenhouse gas, and also provide a fast service for ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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