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Physical Quantity: Towards a Pattern Language for Quantities and Units in Physical Calculations

Published: 12 July 2017 Publication History


In this paper an approach is taken towards a pattern language for physical quantities in software applications. The central pattern, Physical Quantity, is described as well as some needed candidate patterns revolving around. The Physical Quantity design pattern is a specialized version of the Quantity analysis pattern, optimized for the SI unit system. It is intended for the physical and mathematical domains where calculations, arithmetic, conversion and simulations are the most used functionalities. Its emphasis is on type safety, dimensional analysis, performance, and convenient syntax. Supporting candidate patterns for handling tolerances, validation, conversion or matrix operations are shortly described. The target audiences are software engineers and practitioners working in the area of physical simulations and calculations.


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Cited By

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  • (2023)Managing Quantities and Units of Measurement in Code BasesUpdates on Software Usability10.5772/intechopen.108014Online publication date: 22-Feb-2023
  • (2023)Acknowledging Implementation Trade-Offs When Developing with Units of MeasurementModel-Driven Engineering and Software Development10.1007/978-3-031-38821-7_2(25-47)Online publication date: 4-Aug-2023
  • (2020)Unit of measurement libraries, their popularity and suitabilitySoftware: Practice and Experience10.1002/spe.292651:4(711-734)Online publication date: 11-Nov-2020

Index Terms

  1. Physical Quantity: Towards a Pattern Language for Quantities and Units in Physical Calculations



      Information & Contributors


      Published In

      cover image ACM Other conferences
      EuroPLoP '17: Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
      July 2017
      566 pages
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      • Hillside Europe: Hillside Europe


      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 12 July 2017


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      Author Tags

      1. calculations
      2. design patterns
      3. quantities
      4. si units
      5. simulations
      6. type safety
      7. unit system


      • Research-article
      • Research
      • Refereed limited


      EuroPLoP '17

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      Overall Acceptance Rate 216 of 354 submissions, 61%


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      Cited By

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      • (2023)Managing Quantities and Units of Measurement in Code BasesUpdates on Software Usability10.5772/intechopen.108014Online publication date: 22-Feb-2023
      • (2023)Acknowledging Implementation Trade-Offs When Developing with Units of MeasurementModel-Driven Engineering and Software Development10.1007/978-3-031-38821-7_2(25-47)Online publication date: 4-Aug-2023
      • (2020)Unit of measurement libraries, their popularity and suitabilitySoftware: Practice and Experience10.1002/spe.292651:4(711-734)Online publication date: 11-Nov-2020

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