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Cloud-based collaborative 3D reconstruction using smartphones
This article presents a pipeline that enables multiple users to collaboratively acquire images with monocular smartphones and derive a 3D point cloud using a remote reconstruction server. A set of key images are automatically selected from each ...
Real-time rendering of realistic surface diffraction with low rank factorisation
We propose a novel approach for real-time rendering of diffraction effects in surface reflectance in arbitrary environments. Such renderings are usually extremely expensive as they require the computation of a convolution at real-time framerates. In the ...
Saliency-Based Sharpness Mismatch Detection For Stereoscopic Omnidirectional Images
In this paper, we present a novel sharpness mismatch detection (SMD) approach for stereoscopic omnidirectional images (ODI) for quality control within the post-production workflow, which is the main contribution. In particular, we applied a state of the ...
ThirdLight: Low-cost and High-speed 3D Interaction Using Photosensor Markers
We present a low-cost 3D tracking system for virtual reality, gesture modeling, and robot manipulation applications which require fast and precise localization of headsets, data gloves, props, or controllers. Our system removes the need for cameras or ...
CRF-net: Single Image Radiometric Calibration using CNNs
In this paper we present CRF-net, a CNN-based solution for estimating the camera response function from a single photograph. We follow the recent trend of using synthetic training data, and generate a large set of training pairs based on a small set of ...
User Interaction for Image Recolouring using £2
Recently, an example based colour transfer approach proposed modelling the colour distributions of a palette and target image using Gaussian Mixture Models, and registers them by minimising the robust £2 distance between the mixtures. In this paper we ...
Laplacian Pyramid of Conditional Variational Autoencoders
Variational Autoencoders (VAE) learn a latent representation of image data that allows natural image generation and manipulation. However, they struggle to generate sharp images. To address this problem, we propose a hierarchy of VAEs analogous to a ...
Method for Efficient CPU-GPU Streaming for Walkthrough of Full Motion Lightfield Video
Lightfield video, as a high-dimensional function, is very demanding in terms of storage. As such, lightfield video data, even in a compressed form, do not typically fit in GPU or main memory unless the capture area, resolution or duration is ...
Seam-hiding for Looping Videos
The proposed algorithm creates a seamless looping video clip from a real world video of an almost-cyclic motion. For a video that has repeating motion, such as a person on a trampoline, the first and last video frames may not precisely line up, even ...
Story Version Control and Graphical Visualization for Collaborative Story Authoring
This paper presents a story version control and graphical visualization framework to enhance collaborative story authoring. We propose a media-agnostic story representation based on story beats, events, and participants that describes the flow of events ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Visual Media Production (CVMP 2017)