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EPBC: <u>E</u>fficient <u>P</u>ublic <u>B</u>lockchain <u>C</u>lient for lightweight users

Published: 11 December 2017 Publication History


Public blockchains provide a decentralized method for storing transaction data and have many applications in different sectors. In order for a user to track transactions, a simple method is that every user keeps a local copy of the entire public ledger. Since the size of a ledger keeps growing, this method becomes increasingly less practical, especially for lightweight users such as IoT devices and smartphones. In order to deal with this problem, there have been some proposals. However, existing solutions either achieve a limited storage reduction (e.g., simple payment verification), or rely on some strong security assumption (e.g., the use of trusted server). We propose EPBC, a novel and efficient transaction verification scheme for public ledgers, which only requires lightweight users to store a small amount of data that is independent of the size of the blockchain. We analyze EPBC's performance and security, and discuss its integration with existing public ledger systems. Experimental results confirm that EPBC is practical for lightweight users.


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  1. EPBC: Efficient Public Blockchain Client for lightweight users



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      cover image ACM Other conferences
      SERIAL '17: Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Scalable and Resilient Infrastructures for Distributed Ledgers
      December 2017
      40 pages
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      Association for Computing Machinery

      New York, NY, United States

      Publication History

      Published: 11 December 2017


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      Author Tags

      1. accumulator
      2. blockchain
      3. light weight client


      • Research-article

      Funding Sources

      • U.S. Department of Homeland Security


      Middleware '17
      Middleware '17: 18th International Middleware Conference
      December 11 - 15, 2017
      Nevada, Las Vegas


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