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The CSI Framework for Compiler-Inserted Program Instrumentation

Published: 19 December 2017 Publication History


The CSI framework provides comprehensive static instrumentation that a compiler can insert into a program-under-test so that dynamic-analysis tools - memory checkers, race detectors, cache simulators, performance profilers, code-coverage analyzers, etc. - can observe and investigate runtime behavior. Heretofore, tools based on compiler instrumentation would each separately modify the compiler to insert their own instrumentation. In contrast, CSI inserts a standard collection of instrumentation hooks into the program-under-test. Each CSI-tool is implemented as a library that defines relevant hooks, and the remaining hooks are "nulled" out and elided during either compile-time or link-time optimization, resulting in instrumented runtimes on par with custom instrumentation. CSI allows many compiler-based tools to be written as simple libraries without modifying the compiler, lowering the bar for the development of dynamic-analysis tools.
We have defined a standard API for CSI and modified LLVM to insert CSI hooks into the compiler's internal representation (IR) of the program. The API organizes IR objects - such as functions, basic blocks, and memory accesses - into flat and compact ID spaces, which not only simplifies the building of tools, but surprisingly enables faster maintenance of IR-object data than do traditional hash tables. CSI hooks contain a "property" parameter that allows tools to customize behavior based on static information without introducing overhead. CSI provides "forensic" tables that tools can use to associate IR objects with source-code locations and to relate IR objects to each other.
To evaluate the efficacy of CSI, we implemented six demonstration CSI-tools. One of our studies shows that compiling with CSI and linking with the "null" CSI-tool produces a tool-instrumented executable that is as fast as the original uninstrumented code. Another study, using a CSI port of Google's ThreadSanitizer, shows that the CSI-tool rivals the performance of Google's custom compiler-based implementation. All other demonstration CSI tools slow down the execution of the program-under-test by less than 70%.


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Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems  Volume 1, Issue 2
December 2017
480 pages
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Published: 19 December 2017
Published in POMACS Volume 1, Issue 2


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  1. compiler-inserted instrumentation
  2. dynamic program analysis
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