Cited By
View all- Ye JWang ZYang JWang CZhang C(2025)An LDDoS Attack Detection Method Based on Behavioral Characteristics and Stacking MechanismIoT10.3390/iot60100076:1(7)Online publication date: 21-Jan-2025
- Kieu MNguyen DNguyen T(2020)A Way to Estimate TCP Throughput under Low-Rate DDoS Attacks: One TCP Flow2020 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF)10.1109/RIVF48685.2020.9140777(1-8)Online publication date: Oct-2020
- Perez-Diaz JValdovinos IChoo KZhu D(2020)A Flexible SDN-Based Architecture for Identifying and Mitigating Low-Rate DDoS Attacks Using Machine LearningIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2020.30193308(155859-155872)Online publication date: 2020