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A Meta-Analysis of Organizational Learning and IT Assimilation

Published: 07 November 2017 Publication History


Researchers often apply organizational learning concepts and theories to study what factors affect organizational IT assimilation. Although this body of work has substantially improved our understanding of the relationship between organizational learning and IT assimilation, to date there is no rigorous analysis of the empirical research that gives us an accurate assessment of what we truly know in this area. We meta-analyze 33 studies of organizational learning-based IT assimilation. While results show that an organization's level of related knowledge and knowledge diversity are both positively related to IT assimilation, moderator tests show that the consistency in these links varies depending upon the type of IT innovation studied and the way in which assimilation was conceptualized and measured. By narrowing the gap between what we know and what we need to know about the role of organizational learning during IT assimilation, this study contributes to our understanding of whether, when, and how organizations assimilate IT innovations.


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ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems  Volume 48, Issue 4
November 2017
98 pages
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Published: 07 November 2017
Published in SIGMIS Volume 48, Issue 4

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