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Identifying Informational vs. Conversational Questions on Community Question Answering Archives

Published: 02 February 2018 Publication History


Questions on community question answering websites usually reflect one of two intents: learning information or starting a conversation. In this paper, we revisit this fundamental classification task of informational versus conversational questions, which was originally introduced and studied in 2009. We use a substantially larger dataset of archived questions from Yahoo Answers, which includes the question»s title, description, answers, and votes. We replicate the original experiments over this dataset, point out the common and different from the original results, and present a broad set of characteristics that distinguish the two question types. We also develop new classifiers that make use of additional data types, advanced machine learning, and a large dataset of unlabeled data, which achieve enhanced performance.


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WSDM '18: Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
February 2018
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Published: 02 February 2018


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  1. community question answering
  2. label propagation
  3. long short term memory networks
  4. user intent
  5. yahoo answers


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