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Deep Neural Architecture for Multi-Modal Retrieval based on Joint Embedding Space for Text and Images

Published: 02 February 2018 Publication History


Recent advances in deep learning and distributed representations of images and text have resulted in the emergence of several neural architectures for cross-modal retrieval tasks, such as searching collections of images in response to textual queries and assigning textual descriptions to images. However, the multi-modal retrieval scenario, when a query can be either a text or an image and the goal is to retrieve both a textual fragment and an image, which should be considered as an atomic unit, has been significantly less studied. In this paper, we propose a gated neural architecture to project image and keyword queries as well as multi-modal retrieval units into the same low-dimensional embedding space and perform semantic matching in this space. The proposed architecture is trained to minimize structured hinge loss and can be applied to both cross- and multi-modal retrieval. Experimental results for six different cross- and multi-modal retrieval tasks obtained on publicly available datasets indicate superior retrieval accuracy of the proposed architecture in comparison to the state-of-art baselines.


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  1. Deep Neural Architecture for Multi-Modal Retrieval based on Joint Embedding Space for Text and Images



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    WSDM '18: Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
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