Cited By
View all- De Nicola RDi Stefano LInverso OUwimbabazi A(2022)Automated replication of tuple spaces via static analysisScience of Computer Programming10.1016/j.scico.2022.102863223:COnline publication date: 1-Nov-2022
The replacement policies for the last-level caches (LLCs) are usually designed based on the access information available locally at the LLC. These policies are inherently sub-optimal due to lack of information about the activities in the inner-levels of ...
Replacement policy, one of the key factors determining the effectiveness of a cache, becomes even more important with latest technological trends toward highly associative caches. The state-of-the-art processors employ various policies such as Random, ...
We propose a technique that leverages configurable data caches to address the problem of energy inefficiency and intertask interference in multitasking embedded systems. Data caches are often necessary to provide the required memory bandwidth. However, ...
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