Cited By
View all- Yus RBobed CMena E(2020)A Knowledge-Based Approach to Enhance Provision of Location-Based Services in Wireless EnvironmentsIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2020.29910518(80030-80048)Online publication date: 2020
We face the problem of estimating the real coverage area of a certain (mobile or static) object in a wireless scenario by considering as input data just the location of the devices that can communicate with that object. We propose and evaluate different ...
With advancement in Location Based Service and GPS enabled mobile devices, different types of queries to obtain location based information exist in mobile environment. Location based queries or spatial queries are the backbone of Location Based ...
We present a visual tool to test different algorithms that estimate the real coverage area of a certain (mobile or static) object against previously generated scenarios. Such algorithms consider as input data just the location of the devices that can ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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