Cited By
View all- Shilintsev DDlamini G(2022)A Study: Design Patterns Detection Approaches and Impact on Software QualityFrontiers in Software Engineering10.1007/978-3-030-93135-3_6(84-96)Online publication date: 6-Jan-2022
This paper introduces the FINDER tool that detects 22 out of 23 GoF design patterns in Java systems using fine-grained static analysis. FINDER extracts static facts from the system at hand. These facts are then evaluated against the design pattern ...
Detecting design patterns from object-oriented program source-code can help maintainers understand the design of the program. However, the detection precision of conventional approaches based on the structural aspects of patterns is low due to the fact ...
Design patterns have been used successfully to build well-organized, flexible software systems. In the reverse engineering field, detecting design patterns can simplify program comprehension by providing clues about the rationale behind the system's ...
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