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A Bermuda Triangle?: A Review of Method Application and Triangulation in User Experience Evaluation

Published: 21 April 2018 Publication History


User experience (UX) evaluation is a growing field with diverse approaches. To understand the development since previous meta-review efforts, we conducted a state-of-the-art review of UX evaluation techniques with special attention to the triangulation between methods. We systematically selected and analyzed 100 papers from recent years and while we found an increase of relevant UX studies, we also saw a remaining overlap with pure usability evaluations. Positive trends include an increasing percentage of field rather than lab studies and a tendency to combine several methods in UX studies. Triangulation was applied in more than two thirds of the studies, and the most common method combination was questionnaires and interviews. Based on our analysis, we derive common patterns for triangulation in UX evaluation efforts. A critical discussion about existing approaches should help to obtain stronger results, especially when evaluating new technologies.

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