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BebeCODE: Collaborative Child Development Tracking System

Published: 21 April 2018 Publication History


Continuous tracking young children's development is important for parents because early detection of developmental delay can lead to better treatment through early intervention. Screening tests, often based on questions answered by a parent, are used to assess children's development, but responses from only one parent can be subjective and even inaccurate due to limited memory and observations. In this work, we propose a collaborative child development tracking system, where screening test responses are collected through collaboration between parents or caregivers. We implement BebeCODE, a mobile system that encourages parents to independently answer all developmental questions for a given age and resolve disagreements through chatting, image/video sharing, or asking a third person. A 4-week deployment study of BebeCODE with 12 families found that parents had approximately 22% disagreements about questions regarding their children's developmental and BebeCODE helped them reach a consensus. Parents also reported that their awareness of their child's development, increased with BebeCODE.

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      1. children
      2. developmental tracking
      3. early detection
      4. families
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