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The Effect of Offset Correction and Cursor on Mid-Air Pointing in Real and Virtual Environments

Published: 21 April 2018 Publication History


Pointing at remote objects to direct others' attention is a fundamental human ability. Previous work explored methods for remote pointing to select targets. Absolute pointing techniques that cast a ray from the user to a target are affected by humans' limited pointing accuracy. Recent work suggests that accuracy can be improved by compensating systematic offsets between targets a user aims at and rays cast from the user to the target. In this paper, we investigate mid-air pointing in the real world and virtual reality. Through a pointing study, we model the offsets to improve pointing accuracy and show that being in a virtual environment affects how users point at targets. In the second study, we validate the developed model and analyze the effect of compensating systematic offsets. We show that the provided model can significantly improve pointing accuracy when no cursor is provided. We further show that a cursor improves pointing accuracy but also increases the selection time.

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  1. The Effect of Offset Correction and Cursor on Mid-Air Pointing in Real and Virtual Environments



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