Cited By
View all- Pavlenko DBarykin LBezverhny ENemeshaev S(2019)Use of Cognitive Maps in Learning Management System VectorBiologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 201910.1007/978-3-030-25719-4_53(405-410)Online publication date: 17-Jul-2019
Each type of classifier has its own advantages as well as certain shortcomings. In this paper, we take the advantages of the associative classifier and the Naive Bayes Classifier to make up the shortcomings of each other, thus improving the accuracy of ...
Classification is the process of dividing the data into number of groups which are either dependent or independent of each other and each group acts as a class. The task of Classification can be done by using several methods using different types of ...
This paper presents a new design heuristic for hybrid classifier ensembles in machine learning. The heuristic entails inclusion of both global and local learners in the composition of base classifiers of a hybrid classifier ensemble, while also inducing ...
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