Cited By
View all- Jiang SKang PSong XLo BShull P(2022)Emerging Wearable Interfaces and Algorithms for Hand Gesture Recognition: A SurveyIEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering10.1109/RBME.2021.307819015(85-102)Online publication date: 2022
In dynamic gesture track recognition, gesture recognition rate has always been a problem, Because the traditional hand gesture recognition in how to separate the hand type from the surrounding environment, and then determine the palm position has been ...
This paper reports on the development of a hand to machine interface device that provides real-time gesture, position and orientation information. The key element is a glove and the device as a whole incorporates a collection of technologies. Analog ...
In this paper, we present a method for hand gesture recognition using Microsoft Kinect sensor. Kinect allows capturing dense, and three dimensional scans of an object in real time. We propose a combination of modelling and learning approach for hand ...
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