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The sosADL studio: an architecture development environment for software-intensive systems-of-systems

Published: 29 November 2016 Publication History


Conceiving Architecture Description Languages (ADLs) and accompanying Architecture Development Environments (ADEs) has been the subject of intensive research in the last two decades. This paper presents the SosADL Studio, an SoS ADE for accompanying SosADL in the formal development of evolutionary architectures of Systems-of-Systems (SoSs). SosADL Studio provides a model-driven ADE where SoS architecture descriptions in SosADL are edited, parsed, type checked, and transformed to different analysis languages for concurrent constraint solving, model checking, simulation, as well as statistical model checking.


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Capella: Model-Driven Engineering Environment for Systems Engineering and Architecture based on SysML,
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COMPASS: Comprehensive Modelling for Advanced Systems-of-Systems,
Coq: The Coq Proof Assistant,
DANSE: Designing for Adaptability and Evolution in System-of-Systems Engineering,
DEVS: DEVS Formalism and MS4Me Simulator,
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Guessi, M.; Nakagawa, E.Y.; Oquendo, F.: "A Systematic Literature Review on the Description of Software Architectures for Systems-of-Systems", Proc. of the 30th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Salamanca, Spain, April 2015.
Guessi, M.; Oquendo, F.; Nakagawa, E.Y.: "Checking the Architectural Feasibility of Systems-of-Systems using Formal Descriptions", Proc. of the 11th IEEE System-of-Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE), Kongsberg, Norway, June 2016.
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Kodkod: SAT-based Constraint Solver for First-order Relational Logic,
Leroux, E.; Oquendo, F.; Xiong, Q.: "Architecture-based Conformance Testing", Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA), Venice, Italy, October 2013.
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Nakagawa, E.Y.; Gonçalves, M.B.; Oquendo, F. et al.: "The State of the Art and Future Perspectives in Systems-of-Systems Software Architectures", Proc. of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), Eds. F. Oquendo et al., Montpellier, France, July 2013.
Nielsen, C.B. et al.: "Systems-of-Systems Engineering: Basic Concepts, Model-based Techniques, and Research Directions", ACM Computing Survey, Vol. 48(2), September 2015.
Oquendo, F.: "π-ADL: Architecture Description Language based on the Higher-order Typed π-Calculus for Specifying Dynamic and Mobile Software Architectures", ACM SIGSOFT SEN, Vol. 29, No. 3, May 2004.
Oquendo, F.: "Formally Describing the Software Architecture of Systems-of-Systems with SosADL", Proc. of the 11th IEEE System-of-Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE), Kongsberg, Norway, June 2016.
Oquendo, F.: "π-Calculus for SoS: A Foundation for Formally Describing Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems", Proc. of the 11th IEEE System-of-Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE), Kongsberg, Norway, June 2016.
Oquendo, F.: "The π-Calculus for SoS: Novel π-Calculus for the Formal Modeling of Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems", Proc. of 38th International Conference on Communicating Process Architectures (CPA), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2016.
Oquendo, F.: "Formally Describing the Architectural Behavior of Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems with SosADL", Proc. the 21st IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems (ICECCS), Dubai, UAE, November 2016.
Oquendo, F.: "Software Architecture Challenges and Emerging Research in Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems", Proc. of the 10th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), LNCS, Springer, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2016.
Oquendo, F.: "Case Study on Formally Describing the Architecture of a Software-intensive System-of-Systems with SosADL", Proc. of 15th IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Budapest, Hungary, October 2016.
Oquendo, F.; Legay, A.: "Formal Architecture Description of Trustworthy Systems-of-Systems with SosADL", ERCIM News, No. 102, July 2015.
Oquendo, F.; Leite, J.C.; Batista, T.: Executing Software Architecture Descriptions with SysADL, Proc. of the 10th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA), LNCS, Springer, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 2016.
Oquendo, F.; Leite, J.C.; Batista, T.: Software Architecture in Action: Designing and Executing Architectural Models with SysADL, Springer 2016.
OSATE: SEI Open Source AADL Tool Environment,
PLASMA-Lab: Statistical Model Checker,
Quilbeuf, J.; Cavalcante, E.; Traonouez, L.M.; Oquendo, F.; Batista, T.V.; Legay, A.: "A Logic for Statistical Model Checking of Dynamic Software Architectures", Proc. of the 7th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISOLA), Springer, Corfu, Greece, October 2016.
Silva E.; Batista, T.; Oquendo, F.: "A Mission-Oriented Approach for Designing System-of-Systems", Proc. of the 10th System-of-Systems Engineering Conference (SoSE), San Antonio, TX, USA, May 2015.
SysML: OMG Systems Modeling Language,
UPPAAL: Model Checker,

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  1. The sosADL studio: an architecture development environment for software-intensive systems-of-systems



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    Published In

    cover image ACM Other conferences
    SiSoS@ECSA '16: Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems at 10th European Conference on Software Architecture
    November 2016
    69 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

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    Published: 29 November 2016


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