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A Multi-Enterprise Containerization Approach with an Interoperable Position-Based System

Published: 13 March 2018 Publication History


In this paper, we present our position-based, Multi-EnterpRise Containerization (MERC) architecture for BYOD security. The MERC architecture leverages positional data to grant context-aware capabilities to container-based systems. We grant enterprises the ability of defining location- and proximity-based conditions that must be met in order for users to securely access enterprise container content. First, we provide a scalable location-based scheme that allows multiple enterprise context-aware systems to securely coexist and activate policies and personas on an end-user's device. Second, the MERC incorporates proximity-based constraints to modify a persona's behavior. We evaluate our prototype using preexisting infrastructures, and our experimental results show that MERC is an effective and practical solution for BYOD security.


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  1. A Multi-Enterprise Containerization Approach with an Interoperable Position-Based System



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      CODASPY '18: Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy
      March 2018
      401 pages
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      Published: 13 March 2018


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      1. access control
      2. android
      3. byod
      4. containerization
      5. micro-location


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