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When is a functional program not a functional program?
In an impure functional language, there are programs whose behaviour is completely functional (in that they behave extensionally on inputs), but the functions they compute cannot be written in the purely functional fragment of the language. That is, the ...
Objects, classes and modules in Objective Caml (invited lecture, abstract only)
In a programming language with procedures and assignments, it is often important to isolate uses of state to particular program fragments. The frameworks of type, region, and effect inference, and monadic state are technologies that have been used to ...
Trampolined style
A trampolined program is organized as a single loop in which computations are scheduled and their execution allowed to proceed in discrete steps. Writing programs in trampolined style supports primitives for multithreading without language support for ...
From fast exponentiation to square matrices: an adventure in types
Square matrices serve as an interesting case study in functional programming. Common representations, such as lists of lists, are both inefficient---at least for access to individual elements---and error-prone, because the compiler cannot enforce "...
Tracing piece by piece: affordable debugging for lazy functional languages
The advantage of lazy functional languages is that programs may be written declaratively without specifying the exact evaluation order. The ensuing order of evaluation can however be quite involved which makes it difficult to debug such programs using ...
Atomic heap transactions and fine-grain interrupts
Languages such as Java, ML, Scheme, and Haskell provide automatic storage management, that is, garbage collection. The two fundamental operations performed on a garbage-collected heap are "allocate" and "collect." Because the heap is in an inconsistent ...
On embedding a microarchitectural design language within Haskell
Based on our experience with modelling and verifying microarchitectural designs within Haskell, this paper examines our use of Haskell as host for an embedded language. In particular, we highlight our use of Haskell's lazy lists, type classes, lazy ...
Recursion and dynamic data-structures in bounded space: towards embedded ML programming
We present a functional language with a type system such that well typed programs run within stated space-bounds. The language is a strict, first-order variant of ML with constructs for explicit storage management. The type system is a variant of Tofte ...
A simple proof technique for certain parametricity results
Many properties of parametric, polymorphic functions can be determined simply by inspection of their types. Such results are usually proven using Reynolds's parametricity theorem. However, Reynolds's theorem can be difficult to show in some settings, ...
Relating typability and expressiveness in finite-rank intersection type systems (extended abstract)
We investigate finite-rank intersection type systems, analyzing the complexity of their type inference problems and their relation to the problem of recognizing semantically equivalent terms. Intersection types allow something of type τ1 Λ &...
Type fixpoints: iteration vs. recursion
Positive recursive (fixpoint) types can be added to the polymorphic (Church-style) lambda calculus λ2 (System F) in several different ways, depending on the choice of the elimination operator. We compare several such definitions and we show that ...
Calling hell from heaven and heaven from hell
The increasing popularity of component-based programming tools offer a big opportunity to designers of advanced programming languages, such as Haskell. If we can package our programs as software components, then it is easy to integrate them into ...
Interlanguage working without tears: blending SML with Java
A good foreign-language interface is crucial for the success of any modern programming language implementation. Although all serious compilers for functional languages have some facility for interlanguage working, these are often limited and awkward to ...
Programming languages as operating systems (or revenge of the son of the lisp machine)
The MrEd virtual machine serves both as the implementation platform for the DrScheme programming environment, and as the underlying Scheme engine for executing expressions and programs entered into DrScheme's read-eval-print loop. We describe the key ...
Haskell and XML: generic combinators or type-based translation?
We present two complementary approaches to writing XML document-processing applications in a functional language.In the first approach, the generic tree structure of XML documents is used as the basis for the design of a library of combinators for ...
Type inference with rank 1 polymorphism for type-directed compilation of ML
This paper defines an extended polymorphic type system for an ML-style programming language, and develops a sound and complete type inference algorithm. Different frdm the conventional ML type discipline, the proposed type system allows full rank 1 ...
Type dispatch for named hierarchical types
Type dispatch constructs are an important feature of many programming languages. Scheme has predicates for testing the runtime type of a value. Java has a class cast expression and a try statement for switching on an exception's class. Crucial to these ...
Representing Java classes in a typed intermediate language
We propose a conservative extension of the polymorphic lambda calculus (Fω) as an intermediate language for compiling languages with name-based class and interface hierarchies. Our extension enriches standard Fω with recursive types, ...
Principals in programming languages: a syntactic proof technique
Programs are often structured around the idea that different pieces of code comprise distinct principals, each with a view of its environment. Typical examples include the modules of a large program, a host and its clients, or a collection of ...
Static interpretation of modules
This paper presents a technique for compiling Standard ML Modules into typed intermediate language fragments, which may be compiled separately and linked using traditional linking technology to form executable code. The technique is called static ...
Transparent modules with fully syntatic signatures
ML-style modules are valuable in the development and maintenance of large software systems, unfortunately, none of the existing languages support them in a fully satisfactory manner. The Official SML'97 Definition does not allow higher-order functors, ...
Flexible type analysis
Run-time type dispatch enables a variety of advanced optimization techniques for polymorphic languages, including tag-free garbage collection, unboxed function arguments, and flattened data structures. However, modern type-preserving compilers transform ...
Typer inference builds a short cut to deforestation
Deforestation optimises a functional program by transforming it into another one that does not create certain intermediate data structures. Short cut deforestation is a deforestation method which is based on a single, local transformation rule. In ...
Verification of Erlang programs using abstract interpretation and model checking
We present an approach for the verification of Erlang programs using abstract interpretation and model checking. In general model checking for temporal logics like LTL and Erlang programs is undecidable. Therefore we define a frame-work for abstract ...
Specialization of inductively sequential functional logic programs
Functional logic languages combine the operational principles of the most important declarative programming paradigms, namely functional and logic programming. Inductively sequential programs admit the definition of optimal computation strategies and ...
Index Terms
- Proceedings of the fourth ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming