Cited By
View all- Portisch JHladik MPaulheim H(2022)Background knowledge in ontology matching: A surveySemantic Web10.3233/SW-223085(1-55)Online publication date: 8-Sep-2022
Automated Semantic Matching of Ontologies with Verification (ASMOV) is a novel algorithm that uses lexical and structural characteristics of two ontologies to iteratively calculate a similarity measure between them, derives an alignment, and then ...
For solving heterogeneity and establishing semantic interoperability across the Web, matching and alignment of ontologies have been carried out based on their lexical, conceptual and structural similarities. When dealing with structural similarities, a ...
Ontology matching is an essential aspect of the Semantic Web with a goal of finding alignments among the entities of given ontologies. Ontology matching is a necessary step for establishing interoperation and knowledge sharing among Semantic Web ...
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