Cited By
View all- Antognazza FBarenghi APelosi G(2021)Metis: An Integrated Morphing Engine CPU to Protect Against Side Channel AttacksIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2021.30779779(69210-69225)Online publication date: 2021
Nous présentons une étude de conception d’un outil d’analyse de données de performances d’escalade de difficulté créé en collaboration avec la Fédération Française Montagne Escalade (FFME). Son but est de faciliter l’exploration d’un jeu de données pour ...
Given a directed, non-negatively weighted graph G=(V,E) and s,t@?V, we consider two problems. In the k simple shortest paths problem, we want to find the k simple paths from s to t with the k smallest weights. In the replacement paths problem, we want ...
Let G = (V,E) be a directed graph and let P be a shortest path from s to t in G. In the replacement paths problem, we are required to find, for every edge e on P, a shortest path from s to t in G that avoids e. The only known algorithm for solving the ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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