Cited By
View all- Reif SSchröder-Preikschat W(2018)A predictable synchronisation algorithmACM SIGPLAN Notices10.1145/3200691.317853353:1(415-416)Online publication date: 10-Feb-2018
Interaction with physical objects often imposes latency requirements to multi-core embedded systems. One consequence is the need for synchronisation algorithms that provide predictable latency, in addition to high throughput. We present a ...
Concurrent data structures are widely used in modern multicore architectures, providing atomicity (linearizability) for each concurrent operation. However, it is often desirable to execute several operations on multiple data structures atomically. We ...
Read-copy update (RCU) is a shared memory synchronization mechanism with scalable synchronization-free reads that nevertheless execute correctly with concurrent updates. To guarantee the consistency of such reads, an RCU update transitioning the data ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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