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Oversubscribed Command Queues in GPUs

Published: 24 February 2018 Publication History


As GPUs become larger and provide an increasing number of parallel execution units, a single kernel is no longer sufficient to utilize all available resources. As a result, GPU applications are beginning to use fine-grain asynchronous kernels, which are executed in parallel and expose more concurrency. Currently, the Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA) and Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) specifications support concurrent kernel launches with the help of multiple command queues (a.k.a. HSA queues and CUDA streams, respectively). In conjunction, GPU hardware has decreased launch overheads making fine-grain kernels more attractive.
Although increasing the number of command queues is good for kernel concurrency, the GPU hardware can only monitor a fixed number of queues at any given time. Therefore, if the number of command queues exceeds hardware's monitoring capability, the queues become oversubscribed and hardware has to service some of these queues sequentially. This mapping process periodically swaps between all allocated queues and limits the available concurrency to the ready kernels in the currently mapped queues. In this paper, we bring to attention the queue oversubscription challenge and demonstrate one solution, queue prioritization, which provides up to 45x speedup for NW benchmark against the baseline that swaps queues in a round-robin fashion.


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GPGPU-11: Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on General Purpose GPUs
February 2018
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