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RAPID: In-Memory Analytical Query Processing Engine with Extreme Performance per Watt

Published: 27 May 2018 Publication History


Today, an ever increasing amount of transistors are packed into processor designs with extra features to support a broad range of applications. As a consequence, processors are becoming more and more complex and power hungry. At the same time, they only sustain an average performance for a wide variety of applications while not providing the best performance for specific applications. In this paper, we demonstrate through a carefully designed modern data processing system called RAPID and a simple, low-power processor specially tailored for data processing that at least an order of magnitude performance/power improvement in SQL processing can be achieved over a modern system running on today's complex processors. RAPID is designed from the ground up with hardware/software co-design in mind to provide architecture-conscious extreme performance while consuming less power in comparison to the modern database systems. The paper presents in detail the design and implementation of RAPID, a relational, columnar, in-memory query processing engine supporting analytical query workloads.


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SIGMOD '18: Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data
May 2018
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Published: 27 May 2018


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  1. analytic query processing
  2. databases
  3. dpu
  4. hardware/software co-design
  5. in-memory data processing
  6. low-power


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