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D'Artagnan: An Embedded DSL Framework for Distributed Embedded Systems

Published: 24 February 2018 Publication History


Programming distributed embedded systems gives rise to a number of challenges. The distributed nodes are typically resource constrained, requiring expert systems programming skills to manage the limited power, communication bandwidth, and memory and computation constraints. The challenge of raising the level of abstraction of programming such systems without incurring too high of an execution performance penalty is thus an important one.
In this paper we present a framework and domain specific language, to enable programming of such systems at a global network level --- macroprogramming. Our framework, D'Artagnan, enables the compilation, analysis, transformation and interpretation of high-level descriptions of stream processing applications in which information is received and processed in real-time. D'Artagnan, is a functional macroprogramming language embedded in Haskell, hiding where possible low-level detail, but allowing the developer to add hints and information to enable more efficient compilation to different target architectures.


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RWDSL2018: Proceedings of the Real World Domain Specific Languages Workshop 2018
February 2018
70 pages
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  • EPSRC: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
  • Heriot-Watt University: Heriot-Watt University


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

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Published: 24 February 2018


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