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View all- Khazaei AKhaleghzadeh HGhasemzadeh M(2021)FOCT: Fast Overlapping Clustering for Textual DataIEEE Access10.1109/ACCESS.2021.31300949(157670-157680)Online publication date: 2021
While the vast majority of clustering algorithms are partitional, many real world datasets have inherently overlapping clusters. Several approaches to finding overlapping clusters have come from work on analysis of biological datasets. In this paper, we ...
We know that overlapping clustering solutions extract data organizations that are more fitted to the input data than crisp clustering solutions. Moreover, unsupervised neural networks bring efficient solutions to visualize class structures. The goal of ...
Detecting overlapping groups is an important challenge in clustering offering relevant solutions for many applications domains. Recently, Parameterized R-OKM method was defined as an extension of OKM to control overlapping boundaries between clusters. ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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