ICT is pervasively influencing all human activities. In this context, more and more people of any age, gender and culture is exposed to such technologies and has to acquire some ability and skill in this context. For reasons that are still being studied, the engagement of genders with ICT is not uniform. This gap is occurring at all levels and it is evident, for instance, in the small percentage of women covering top positions in professional and academic activities in the field.
At the same time, the community is realising that diversity, when it does not assume the negative aspects of discrimination, plays a key role to a successful and competitive context for software development and research. Such diversity is not only related to gender aspects but refers also to the combination of culture, religion and geographical distribution.
In this context, the purpose of this ICSE 2018 workshop is to discuss about the role, difficulties and opportunities concerning people of different gender in the field of software engineering, in research, education and industry.
Proceeding Downloads
Computer science identity and sense of belonging: a case study in Ireland
The study1 described in this paper investigates the role that gender plays in making the decision to study Computer Science in University College Dublin in Ireland (background influences) and investigates whether there is a difference in the perceived ...
Issues in gender diversity and equality in the UK
There has been a significant increase in the number of initiatives to raise awareness of diversity-related challenges in technology worldwide within the past decade. Multiple organizations now emphasize a need for a close to 50%-50% male to female ...
Towards gender equality in software engineering: the NSA approach
Multiple studies show that women are under-represented in almost all of fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). This gender gap is also present at higher education institutions in both student numbers and academic staff. A range of ...
Gender bias in artificial intelligence: the need for diversity and gender theory in machine learning
Artificial intelligence is increasingly influencing the opinions and behavior of people in everyday life. However, the over-representation of men in the design of these technologies could quietly undo decades of advances in gender equality. Over ...
Software testing conferences and women
The question of gender equality is an increasing concern in all aspects of life these days. ICT has its peculiarities in this respect, as it is often regarded as a "male" discipline. Among the many different subfields of ICT, in this work we concentrate ...
Gender in open source software: what the tools tell
This position paper considers what studying Open Source Software tools can lend to understanding the topic of Gender Diversity in Open Source Software. More specifically we investigate the GenderMag method, a Gender Inclusive method and how it can help ...
Observations of computing students on the homogeneity of their classrooms
This paper aims to provide some insight into the experiences and challenges faced by a cohort of homogeneously male final year students in a third level computing degree programme. It looks at their perceptions of how this homogeneity impacts them. ...
Digital girls program: disseminating computer science to girls in Brazil
The decrease in the number of women working with Information Technology and Engineering is a worldwide concern. Several movements have emerged that aim to encourage the presence of women in these fields. This article presents the Digital Girls Program (...
Gender equality in software engineering: extended abstract
This is the collected work of four female software engineers and myself. Their writing describes their lived experiences in software engineering and as mothers of children in school, while my own describes my lived experience of teaching computing to my ...
Perceptions on diversity in brazilian agile software development teams: a survey
A lot has been said about the importance of talking about diversity in Computer Science and Software Engineering. There is a clear lack of representativeness when we observe gender distribution in Information Technology jobs and students in universities,...
Improving diversity in computing research: an overview of CRA-W activities
The Committee on the Status of Women in Computing is an action-oriented committee of the Computing Research Association with the goal of taking positive action to increase the number and success of women in the Computer Science and Engineering research ...
Affirmative action for attracting women to STEM in chile
Women are currently almost half of the work force in Chile, but very few of them work in the software industry. In part, this is because there are strong cultural stereotypes about what careers are "for men" in Chile. This idea has been further cemented ...