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QoS-aware stochastic power management for many-cores

Published: 24 June 2018 Publication History


A many-core processor can execute hundreds of multi-threaded tasks in parallel on its 100s - 1000s of processing cores. When deployed in a Quality of Service (QoS)-based system, the many-core must execute a task at a target QoS. The amount of processing required by the task for the QoS varies over the task's lifetime. Accordingly, Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) allows the many-core to deliver precise amount of processing required to meet the task QoS guarantee while conserving power. Still, a global control is necessitated to ensure that the many-core overall does not exceed its power budget.
Previously, only non-stochastic controls have been proposed for the problem of QoS-aware power budgeting in many-cores. We propose the first stochastic control for the problem, which has a computational complexity less than the non-stochastic control by a factor of O (ln n) but with equivalent performance. The proposed stochastic control can operate with 6.4x less overhead than the non-stochastic control for a 256-task workload.


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Index Terms

  1. QoS-aware stochastic power management for many-cores



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    DAC '18: Proceedings of the 55th Annual Design Automation Conference
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    Published: 24 June 2018


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    1. many-core
    2. power budgeting
    3. probabilistic control


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