Cited By
View all- Cossentino MLopes SRenda GSabatucci LZaffora F(2020)Smartness and Autonomy for Shipboard Power Systems ReconfigurationModelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems10.1007/978-3-030-43890-6_26(317-333)Online publication date: 30-Mar-2020
- Salas-Berrocal GBucknall R(2020)Methodology for the Early-Stage Design of Electrical Power Systems in a Future Generation of Colombian WarshipsProceeding of the VI International Ship Design & Naval Engineering Congress (CIDIN) and XXVI Pan-American Congress of Naval Engineering, Maritime Transportation and Port Engineering (COPINAVAL)10.1007/978-3-030-35963-8_28(334-346)Online publication date: 11-Mar-2020