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View all- Park HNam SChoi D(2020)Address Authentication Method for Sustainable Social QualificationSustainability10.3390/su1205170012:5(1700)Online publication date: 25-Feb-2020
We propose a new and efficient scheme for broadcast encryption. A broadcast encryption system allows a broadcaster to send an encrypted message to a dynamically chosen subset RS, |RS|=n of a given set of users, such that only users in this subset can ...
We propose CL-PRE, a certificateless proxy re-encryption scheme for data sharing with cloud. In CL-PRE, a data owner encrypts shared data in cloud with an encryption key, which is further encrypted and transformed by cloud, and then distributed to ...
Even though biometric authentication such as fingerprint authentication is popularly used, there are few network services supporting biometric authentication because many users have serious privacy concerns about leakage of the biometric data on a ...
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