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Unsupervised Learning Fuzzy Finite State Machine for Human Activities Recognition

Published: 26 June 2018 Publication History


Human Activities Recognition (HAR) based on low-level sensory data has become an active research topic and attracting attention in many application domains. Many approaches are employed to process and analyse the collected sensory data for modelling and representing Activity of Daily Working (ADW) and/or Activity of Daily Living (ADL). In this paper, a novel method based on Fuzzy Finite State Machine (FuFSM) is presented to model the daily activities. The proposed method is using FuFSM integrated with Fuzzy C-Means (FCMs) clustering algorithm to overcome the challenges of defining simultaneous activities. Therefore, different states of activities could be represented with a degree of fuzziness. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The model is tested and evaluated using a set of data that has been collected from an office environment.


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  • (2020)Modeling, learning, and simulating human activities of daily living with behavior treesKnowledge and Information Systems10.1007/s10115-020-01476-xOnline publication date: 1-Jun-2020
  • (2018)Human Activities Recognition Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Finite State MachineTechnologies10.3390/technologies60401106:4(110)Online publication date: 26-Nov-2018
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PETRA '18: Proceedings of the 11th PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments Conference
June 2018
591 pages
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  • NSF: National Science Foundation


Association for Computing Machinery

New York, NY, United States

Publication History

Published: 26 June 2018


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  1. Activities of daily working
  2. fuzzy C means
  3. fuzzy finite state machine
  4. human behaviour
  5. unsupervised learning technique


  • Research-article
  • Research
  • Refereed limited




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  • (2022)Human Activity Recognition Data Analysis: History, Evolutions, and New TrendsSensors10.3390/s2209340122:9(3401)Online publication date: 29-Apr-2022
  • (2020)Modeling, learning, and simulating human activities of daily living with behavior treesKnowledge and Information Systems10.1007/s10115-020-01476-xOnline publication date: 1-Jun-2020
  • (2018)Human Activities Recognition Based on Neuro-Fuzzy Finite State MachineTechnologies10.3390/technologies60401106:4(110)Online publication date: 26-Nov-2018
  • (2018)Clustering-Based Fuzzy Finite State Machine for Human Activity RecognitionAdvances in Computational Intelligence Systems10.1007/978-3-319-97982-3_22(264-275)Online publication date: 11-Aug-2018

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