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View all- Herrera SManresa-Yee CSanz C(2021)Mobile learning for hearing-impaired children: Review and analysisUniversal Access in the Information Society10.1007/s10209-021-00841-z22:2(635-653)Online publication date: 24-Sep-2021
Research in the field of sign language recognition has made significant advances in recent years. The present achievements provide the basis for future applications with the objective of supporting the integration of deaf people into the hearing ...
Sign language is a means of communication for The Deaf. Indonesian Sign language or BISINDO is one of the sign languages that is used in Indonesia. For The Deaf with The Deaf sign language is a means of communicating effectively, but not for The Deaf ...
This paper describes MDS: a Multimodal-based Dialog System that supports communication between the hearing impaired and hearing-abled. The system converts sign language to speech, and combines speech with gesture and lip motion using a human face. The ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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