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View all- Shrestha AZikos DFegaras L(2018)Seasonality of Discrepancies between Admission and Discharge Diagnosis for Medicare PatientsTechnologies10.3390/technologies60401116:4(111)Online publication date: 27-Nov-2018
Association rule mining is an effective data mining technique which has been used widely in health informatics research right from its introduction. Since health informatics has received a lot of attention from researchers in last decade, and it has ...
Task of extracting useful and interesting knowledge from large data is called data mining. It has many aspects like clustering, classification, association mining, outlier detection, regression etc. Among them association rule mining is one of the ...
In this paper we propose a new optimization for Apriori-based association rule mining algorithms where the frequency of items can be encoded and treated in a special manner drastically increasing the efficiency of the frequent itemset mining process. An ...
Association for Computing Machinery
New York, NY, United States
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