It is my great pleasure to welcome you to ACM AVI 2018, the 14th edition of the Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. This year AVI is held in Riva del Sole, Castiglione della Pescaia, Grosseto, organized by Sapienza Università di Roma in cooperation with ACM SIGs.
This biannual appointment started in 1992 in Rome when Stefano Levialdi and I, both from Sapienza Università di Roma, together with Maria Francesca Costabile, from Università di Bari, conceived and organized the workshop on "Advanced Visual Interfaces", the first international event on Human- Computer Interaction (HCI) issues promoted in Italy by ICT scientists. Since then, the AVI conferences are held every two years and have become well appreciated by the international community. They attract experts with a broad range of backgrounds, coming from all over the world and sharing a common interest on HCI, with the aim of making technology effective and useful for all people in their daily life. Because of advanced technology and new possibilities for user interaction, AVI has broadened the topics it covers, still keeping its main focus on the conception, design, implementation and evaluation of novel visual interfaces.